First time I met Tom H.
Khat: hi! i'm khat, from the Philippines. 
T: hello, Khat. With an 'a'? 
Khat: with an H, like there by my signature *points at sig*
T: oh, okay. *smiles and gets pen* would you like me to sign with a gold, silver or black pen?
K: black please!
T: Okay. *smiles and starts to sign*
K: Hey, thanks for sending those autographs for our outreach 3 years ago. 
T: Oh yes, sure. I remember that. *INTERNAL FLAILING*
K: We'll have another one in two weeks! 
T: Oh, gooooooooooood.
K: well, have a great day, Tom and thanks!
T: you too, Khat.

I'm not sure how I got out of that alive... The security was so intense, triple bag checks!